Our Vision:
We exist to : Connect, Grow, Serve
To honor God by CONNECTING with one another in discipleship, worship, and accountability. GROWlNG in our knowledge of the Word, and faithfulness to the Lord. SERVING the world by carrying the gospel to our community; and in both foreign and domestic missions.
(1 Corinthians 10:31; 2 Timothy 2:1-3; Colossians 3:16; Galatians 6:1-2; Joshua 1:8; Matthew 28:18-20)

John Yorio
Pastor John Yorio is a graduate of Liberty University with a B.A. in Religion. He also has a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies in Expository Preaching and Pastoral Leadership from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Since 2001 he has served in vocational ministry as Student Pastor and Lead Pastor. He and his wife Ruth have been married since 2004 and have five beautiful children.

Dwayne Baxley
Worship Minister
Dwayne attended Bob Jones University, and has been leading church music since the age of 16. He has served in a variety of positions in churches across the state. He has a heart for God’s people and a desire to see the church grow. Dwayne has been married to his wife Victoria for 26 years, and the Lord has blessed them with three young men through adoption.

Jonathan Linton
sports/recreation Director
Jonathan Linton serves SRBC as the Director of our SCORE Sports Ministry.